10 Promises of God For You Today!

(Monday’s Post)

It was almost Christmas and Daddy had assured me that I was going to get a good sum of money for some shopping on the 18th of December. I was elated. Almost immediately, I took a pen and a sheet of paper.

LET’S FIRE THE LIST ON…I told myself.

I needed some new flip-flops and something to paint the town red with on New Year’s Eve. I mean, Uche had called me the day before to ask me out on a date on New Year’s Eve. Why wouldn’t I want to sway him with a super looking, amazingly fitting dress? I looked at the calendar every day and imagined the scenes of New Year’s Eve. It must be the best ever. I wondered how Uche would look; Maybe he’d end up wearing a tux the colour of my dress. Maybe he’d hold my hands as we walk into wherever he had in mind. Maybe he’d present me a ticket to the Maldives Islands.


I thought about Daddy. He’s being the best since mother passed away three years ago. I knew he did not have so much to spare, but he never withheld when he had the means to make me or my younger brother happy. Joe was happy about our father’s promise also. He had a picture of this pair of trending shoes that he always wanted. Now was the time to get it. Christmas was the time.

THANK GOD FOR CHRISTMAS…I whispered to myself.

Source: Pixabay

Hello Royalty.

Maybe we’d continue that story some other time. Maybe we wouldn’t. Lol.

Anyway, today, according to our blogging calendar, we’re talking about the Promises of God under Faith and Spirituality. I put the number 10 up there in the title, but you and I know so well that God’s promises are countless. We also know that He would definitely fulfill them.

God is not a man, so he does not lie.

He is not human, so he does not change his mind.

Has he ever spoken and failed to act?                          

Has he ever promised and not carried it through?

Numbers 23:19 (NLT)

Think about Adanne for a while in today’s story who got her list “fired on” as soon as her father promised to give her a good sum of money for Christmas. She even seemed to get more excited about her date with Uche, because she knew that she’d wear a nice dress. Why? Money was coming her way. Adanne had not seen or smelt the sum of money. Only the word which her father spoke was enough for her. I know you already know where I’m headed. Now let’s get there.

If Adanne could wholly believe in her father, so much that she already started making plans in anticipation of the sure fulfillment of that promise, even when she mentioned herself that he did not have “so much to spare” how much more when it comes to you and God, who owns the earth and all of its fullness? Do you despise the promises of the Father or do you go ahead to hold on to that promise and make plans while you await the definite realization of that promise? Do you dare to hold God by His word?

Imagine for a moment that Ada’s father does not give her the much-anticipated money by the end of the 18th of December. She would do what I think you and I would do too – go to her father to remind him of his promise.

Why don’t you remind God of what you have read in His word that pertains to you, instead of murmuring and grumbling about a prayer that hasn’t been answered?

Why 10 promises?

As said earlier, there are countless promises of God but I’ve picked out 10 from the Bible which I want us to keep confessing all through this week.

  1. Everything is working for my good. Romans 8:28
  2. If I ask anything of God in accordance to His will, he would answer me. Matthew 7:7
  3. No evil shall befall me. Isaiah 54:17
  4. The Lord is my strength! Psalms 46:1
  5. The Lord is my shepherd! Psalms 23:1
  6. God will preserve my going out and coming in. Psalm 121:7-8
  7. God is my helper. Hebrews 13:5
  8. Because I serve the Lord, I am blessed! Exodus 23:25-26
  9. God has made me and He will care for me! Isaiah 46:4
  10. I will fulfill destiny! Matthew 5:14

Don’t stop talking it all week long and anytime you remember even beyond this week. Have a most super week.

See you on Wednesday – our #museday.

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Goodbye Royalty,

With Overflowing Love,

Alexandra Zion.

About the author
Christocentric. Academic. Writer. Poet
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