Post-graduation Glow, Guts or Get down and think ?

Hello Royalty.

So yes I turned the tassel and I threw my cap in the air like I just don’t care.? So yes I made it and I was happy, celebrating and also celebrated. Thank you Jesus!

But hey, what next? I did not want to do this post for fear of sounding cliché with the whole “what next” thing but in all sincerity, there’s got to be a next step now that I’m a graduate. Speaking of which, I felt like life already started to move immediately I left school, after the convocation week. We ended on Sunday and by Monday morning, I was already travelling out of the country. I was almost like, “Life, wait, I have to catch my breath.” This book below is one of the things I got from the library during graduation. So some days after over thinking the plans I had made before leaving school and the steps I’m about to take, I opened it.

Now the first question was, “Are you taking time to cherish your memories?” and the second was, “Can you live in the here and now?” As I thought on those questions and the answers written underneath them, I realised I was too caught up in over thinking how life would go after graduation, and I wasn’t taking time to cherish the 4-year memory, neither was I really living in the present. And that’s the problem with us sometimes – we are so concerned about tomorrow that we tend to forget that tomorrow is made up of a lot of “todays”. Yes it’s good to think about the future but it’s also good to enjoy today….that date on your calendar today wouldn’t come that exact way again. Also, it’s great to cherish the past, but it’s a whole different ball game to be paralysed by its success or even its regrets.

Like my book says, you have to stop, slow, and go! Stop to cherish the memories, slow down and rest (it’s okay to unwind sometimes) and finally, go have fun. Remember this quote by Kelley Vickstrom, “Each of my days are miracles. I won’t waste my day; I won’t throw away a miracle.”

[bctt tweet=”Each of my days are miracles. I won’t waste my day; I won’t throw away a miracle – Kelley Vickstrom” username=”@alexandrazion”]

Goodbye Royalty,

With Overflowing Love,

Alexandra Zion.

About the author
Christocentric. Academic. Writer. Poet


  1. Congratulations once again Lexie..I know you’re gonna have a productive years ahead cos you will shine so so bright! Nice write up ??

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