FAITH || Cross-Reference Thoughts from Monster’s University and the Bible

Hello Royalty.

Just recently, I watched the animation, Monster’s University with my nephews and niece and it was really nice; it was released in 2013, so if you’re not terrible at movies like I am ?, you have probably watched it.

Sneak Peek: So there was Mike Wazowski, whose friend and teammate, Sulley, described as the “heart and soul of the team”. The name of their team was “OK”, short for Oozma Kappa and they were in a competition with “ROR”, short for Roar Omega Roar. Their sport? To scare people, lol but that’s a tale for another day. Now both teams had made it to the finals and someday, before the big game, Worthington, one of the guys from ROR looks at Mike together with his team and says, “When you lose tomorrow, nobody will even remember you” and Mike says something like, I guess that’s okay “When you lose, nobody will let you forget”….and I’m on my seat like, “Oh la la! That’s something!”

You bet I began to think about it – losses, failures, regrets – do they take us out of the light? Are we constantly haunted by them or is it a mixture of both? This definitely made me remember Usain Bolt and the loss in the recent Olympics. I was so pained when this happened; I almost wished I could undo that final fail. For someone like Bolt, what Worthington said to Mike might not be a problem, due to his past successes. But it is possible to have something or someone which or who will be a constant reminder of that final fail.

But hey, let us shine the light of God’s Word on all of this.

  1. If I lose, will anyone remember me?

Being a believer is definitely the best thing. In Hebrews 10, we are taught about Christ’s once and for all sacrifice, which is validated in verse 17 that God will remember our sins no more when we believe in Jesus Christ and what He did on the cross. When we fall, whether in sin or in circumstances, the world and the media might easily forget us, but not God. As long as we are willing to receive help, he is always there to put us back on our feet. God remembered Hannah in her seemingly ‘loser’ state and Samuel came forth. Once you have a relationship with the Light, you really cannot stay out of the spotlight. Note that I did not say “popularity”, its almost a cliche on social media that not all heroes wear capes but it couldn’t be more true. The important thing is to stay winning wherever we find ourselves.

2. If I lose, will I be able to forget?

Truth is you might not forget the one time you lost, failed or made a bad decision, like the one time I had a 0/20 in a Change-of-Subject-Formula Math test in Secondary School. I just never got my way around that particular topic.? But with a life in Christ where we are given worth and value for free, you’re not haunted by failures and losses.?It could be the uncouth things you did for what you thought was love or becoming all battered after a rape…you name it. It is possible to remember all of this, but with God, they do not pierce us anymore. Rather, they are like stepping stones; we laugh in memory lane, we look back and realise how far we have come, how strong we have become like we have never been hurt, broken or being a victim of loss or failure. Why? Because of the name of the Lord on our lips.

P.S: in case, you are currently at that point where it seems like you’d never pull through that loss, failure or brokenness, I just want you to know that it is okay to leave an unknown future to a known God. Focus on your life with Christ and watch it all smoothen out.

[bctt tweet=”It is okay to leave an unknown future to a known God!” username=”alexandrazion”]

Songs of the day:

You are Here – William McDowell

Worship Rise – Travis Greene

Sweet Mystery – William McDowell

You Are Here – Dr. Tumi

Thank you so much for reading!

Goodbye Royalty,

With Overlowing Love,

Alexandra Zion.

About the author
Christocentric. Academic. Writer. Poet
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