FAITH || How to Maintain BALANCE as a Christian

Hello Royalty.

Yes, a person is a fool to store up earthly wealth but not have a rich relationship with God. Luke 12:21 (NLT)

Last week, I had the privilege of speaking to a wonderful group about the concept of balance for a believer. While I was reading my Bible and getting my notes ready, I learned and relearned a number of things. Before we go on, you have to know this: There is no such thing as BALANCE (at least not in the way you are thinking of). The Bible verse above states that it is foolish to not have a rich relationship with God.

Take two aspects of your life, say your ‘walk with God’ and your ‘work’ (take note that we have left out relationships and a number of other things that make up your life). Now imagine having your walk with God and your work on a see-saw. If you put in 24 hours of your time in your work, what happens to your walk with God? If you turn the tables and put in the time in your walk with God, what happens to your job?

Source: Pixabay

But this is the drill, life is not a see-saw; life is more like a circle.

How does that relate to balance?

If you try to describe the circle or what it represents, the terms which come to you are terms such as ‘wholeness’, ‘totality’ etc. and that’s exactly what it is. Every circle has a center, right? And before you can draw a radius from any part of the circle, you have to begin at the center. Again, it’s like a pizza – drawing all of those lovely triangular slices from the center – an almost invisible center.

Let’s get to the point. As a Christian, you’re not shuffling and trying to balance two aspects of your life. You are keeping your focus on Christ – the center of your life. That is where it all stems from – the strength to live, the wisdom to handle all that comes your way and to still retreat into peace at the end of the day. Yes? Yes! So, ask yourself. what am I setting my focus on? What is most important to me? How am I handling all of my life situations? When I’m in trouble, do I run to the phone or the throne? Just like this wheel, it’s the center holds all of the other parts.

Source: Unsplash

In case you still have some questions such as, “Isn’t there a need for self discipline?” Of course, there is! Self discipline, a to-do list maybe, and what not – all of those things matter, but the point is you should keep Jesus at the center of your life. That’s where it all begins. Remember, life is not a seesaw, life is more like a circle.

[bctt tweet=”Life is not a see-saw; Life is more like a circle. ” username=”alexandrazion”]

Have a most splendid week!

Goodbye Royalty,

With Overflowing Love,

Alexandra Zion.

About the author
Christocentric. Academic. Writer. Poet
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