FAITH|| REFLECTIONS: 6 Years A Believer

Hello Royalty.

First off, Happy New Month! I haven’t been on the blog since the 19th of January and I sincerely apologize for that. However, I was not totally away. Your comments and reads on old posts kept bringing me back and reminding me to get back to blogging ASAP. 

On the 3rd of February, 2018, I celebrated my sixth year of being a born-again Christian. I did mention this in my InstaStory (you should follow me on Instagram – I’m pretty active there), and I wrote something on the morning of that day, something I am so eager to share with you!


February 3, 2018

Today makes it 6 years since I gave my life to Christ. Before I go on to talk about how great it has been, I really just want this to be a letter to my One True Love.

While thinking of this day, I told the news to one of my sisters and she looked at me and said, “Thank God!” and then she jokingly said, “So what were you doing before then?” I laughed and said, “Well, I was a “Christian” in the sense of being born into a Christian family, but I had not consciously handed my life over to Christ.”, and then we both smiled.

So here’s my letter:

Father I thank you. Holy Spirit, thank you for convicting and converting me to be a joint heir with Christ. It’s different, you know. It’s almost surprising that I can’t even connect my thoughts properly in writing. When I look back on the past six years, I see one thing: DIFFERENCE

The ‘difference’ which makes me stand out.

The ‘difference’ which prospers the works of my hands.

The ‘difference’ which places the law of kindness in my mouth.

The ‘difference’ which reflects in attitude.

The ‘difference’ which frames my decisions.

The ‘difference’ which turns little into large.

The ‘difference’ which picks me off the line of rejection.

The ‘difference’ which guides my steps.

The ‘difference’ which makes a way, every single pringle time!

The ‘difference’ which makes everything beautiful.

The ‘difference’ which began before the world itself.

The ‘difference’ who went to the cross thinking about me.

The ‘difference’ that has made all the difference. 

Really Royalty, Jesus is He who makes all the difference. I always try to wonder what a life without salvation or intimacy with God would look like, especially as we grow older and encounter real-life situations. If I were to imagine in one Word, the word would be: EMPTY. 

I have learnt and also observed in the lives of others that each one of us has what I call a ‘God-gap’ on the inside of us, placed there by God Himself. In junior school, we had English lessons where we were told to ‘Fill in the gap’. A sentence was never complete until we filled in that gap. Sometimes, we are given options and if we choose the wrong option, we miss the mark. My life and your life is like that sentence, void of a right word. And the mistake we make is that we attempt to fill that hole with something or someone which/who is not GOD. Then what? We turn out to be EMPTY, missing the mark. Jesus is real in my life and in all that I do, and every day I consciously pray to have Him to be more real in my life. As a reader of this blog, I want him to be real in yours too, and if He already is, then YASSSSS!

I hear you thinking, “But non-believers succeed, innit?” Fam, an atheist can succeed in his career. Material success isn’t part of the finished work of Christ. Anyone who follows the principles of success such as hardwork, right relationships, etc. will succeed. Our salvation, our righteousness, our wholeness, our eternity – they all are part of Christ’s finished work. A lot of “successful” people are not whole – it takes Jesus to have blessings without sorrows, to triumph every trial, to come out tops in what you do, with an assurance that you are unshakeable and unbreakable, not because of your power or might, but because of Christ on the inside of you.  

Take a minute to think about eternity. Do you know life on earth doesn’t end with death? Death is not a period (or a full stop); it is a comma. It’s a pause on earth and a play in eternity. Life on earth may seem difficult for you and you think everything should just end so you can live happily in eternity. But here’s the plot twist., with Jesus as your personal Lord and Saviour, you can have “Heaven on Earth”. Faith will not just prevent you from trouble. Sometimes, Faith will watch you get in trouble, but will pull you out unhurt! (and then you can walk out like a boss *wink*)

I just want to use this medium to say that if you have accepted Jesus in your life, don’t doubt Him for a minute. Do not think of drifting away. Do not think of ‘living life’ without Him. In actual fact, there is no life without Him. Remember what we said? Without Him, we are EMPTY. With Him, we have that DIFFERENCE. Do not stop taking Jesus seriously. As they say, He was serious when he shed His blood on the cross, with your name on His mind!

And if you have read all of this, knowing in your heart that you are not born again, then pray this prayer of salvation:

Dear God, I come to you right now with every sincerity and surrender of heart. I accept that I am a sinner, but much more, I accept your love and I choose to believe what Jesus Christ has done on the cross, just for me. I confess my belief in the power of the gospel that is able to wipe away my sins, to make me white as snow and to make me right with God. Thank you for the gift of salvation and the gift of the Holy Spirit. Thank you Lord Jesus for the grace to begin this journey with you as my friend, companion, personal Lord and Saviour. Amen. (Taken from Deep Roots Devotional)

If you prayed that, Congratulations and Welcome to the family – the BEST family ever.

In other news, if you would like to read my salvation story which I shared last year, click HERE. This month, I would also be accepting salvation stories from you! So, if you would love to share yours on the blog this month, please mail it to [email protected] with the subject “My Salvation Story”. Your name and pictures (optional) will be much appreciated.

Thank you so much for reading! Please don’t forget to leave a comment.

May the rest of your week  be the best of your week!

Goodbye Royalty,

With Overflowing Love,

Alexandra Zion.

About the author
Christocentric. Academic. Writer. Poet
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